Sunday, December 29, 2019

Student Registration System - 8250 Words

Student Registration System of AMA Computer Learning Center (ACLC) College - Ormoc A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the AMA COMPUTER LEARNING CENTER (ACLC) COLLEGE of ORMOC In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements of the Degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in COMPUTER SCIENCE Submitted By: Albert Christian Celeste S. Capote Jobelle G. Espina Anthony Florence S. Rosal 2011 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in COMPUTER SCIENCE RECOMMENDATION FOR ORAL EXAMINATION In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science study entitled â€Å"Student Registration System of AMA Computer Learning Center (ACLC) College – Ormoc† has been prepared and submitted by Albert Christian, Celeste S. Capote, Jobelle G. Espina,†¦show more content†¦In fact, she was doing all the record keeping just by using ball pen, a receipt, and a little bit of log-in book. On the other hand, the Registrar Department also used manual system as a way of recording and retrieving student information. This was also true with the Accounting Office as it was administering student’s payment manually. With above researchers’ observation, human interventions were highly involved in this type of system. As a result, this may involve errors and redundancy of data resulting troubles in organization. Statement of the Problem The objective of this study was to evaluate the Proposed Relational Database Management System in Enrolment Processing of ACLC College-Ormoc ically seek and investigate the following question: with its design. Specifically, it sought and investigated the following questions: 1. How will the respondents assess the existing Student Registration System in terms of the following pointers? 1.1 speed 1.2 security 2. How will the respondents assess the Proposed Student Registration System of ACLC College - Ormoc in terms of the following pointers: 2.1 speed 2.2 security 3. What are the significant differences between the existing and the proposed system? Hypothesis of the Study There were no significant differences, relationships, effects and interactionsShow MoreRelatedStudent Registration System2180 Words   |  9 Pagesresearch made on online student registration used by different universities. It includes important aspects in online registration like online registration system, online registration course and others. This chapter contains collective ideas and views of different authors. Online Student Registration System An online student registration system streamlines the application, registration, and monitoring of students in a school or training institute. Why Use Online Registration? 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Texas Revolution Essay - 1025 Words

The Texas Revolution By Jessica Bouillon Texas History The Texas Revolution was a key point in our nation’s history and in the history of the state of Texas. For, if Texas had not revolted the way that they did, it would probably not have become a state. There are many causes that are speculated on why Texas revolted whether they are political disputes against the Centralist party in Mexico that had primary control at the time of the Revolution. These and more will be explored. Also, there are key battles in the Texas Revolution that decided the final fate of Texas, none more famous than the famous Battle of San Jacinto and The Alamo. The most popular, speculated cause of the Texas Revolution is that Texas was following in the†¦show more content†¦Still another speculated cause for the revolution in Texas was economics. There were many land speculators that were also U.S. migrants to Texas that were intent on making money from selling land. They had speculators in Texas, and Coahuila and financial centers in New York and Philadelphia. The speculators would speculate how much a piece of land was worth then sell it and turn the profits over to a financial center and make a tremendous profit from it. Yet another reason why Texans might have revolted was that they were trying to preserve and maintain the political values and economic gain while under the Constitution of 1824. It gave Texas a steady population flow of American migrants moving onto Texas soil. It also gave them political liberty, freedom to own slaves and a steady economic progression. But Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, president of Mexico, wished to impose a stricter rule which could also explain why Texas felt the need to separate from Mexico. Another speculated cause was that the Anglo-Americans that lived there refused to conform to the Mexican rules and laws. Most were protestant and therefore refused to convert to Catholicism. They also refused to pay their duties to the government and did not support troopShow MoreRelatedThe Battle Of The Texas Revolution1910 Words   |  8 PagesAmerican History takes us on the special journey back to the Texas Revolution. This battle saw a lot of heroes and also coined one of the most famous sayings in the state of Texas, â€Å"Remember the Alamo†! However, before we can get to all the guts and glory we must first look at the causes that lead to this epic revolution to understand both sides of the coin. I will look at the background, battles, people and results of the Texas Revolution, as well as give my opinion of the Mexican government’s innocenceRead MoreThe Battle Of The Texas Revolution2082 Words   |  9 PagesTexans are full of pride and have been since the term Texan was created. The Texas revolutionary war was a great battle between Mexican Republic and the Texas Colonists. The Texas Revolution was also known as the Texas War of Independence. What will be discussed throughout the research paper are the battles that took place throughout the revolutionary war. The paper will explain how these battles shaped the way Texas Independence was won and how it shaped the future for Texan colonists. The battlesRead MoreThe Texas Revolution : The Fight For Natural Rights2212 Words   |  9 PagesThe Texas Revolution: The Fight for Natural Rights Every event in history contains a cause and effect. Every cause and effect is unique in its own way. Whenever deciphering certain events in history it’s important that those researching, keep an open mind to all intertwining factors. The Texas Revolution is an important and crucial event within the history of the United States and having a full understanding of the Texas Revolution is of extreme importance to understanding Mexican-American relationsRead MoreThe Revolution Of Texas Revolution1550 Words   |  7 PagesEssay on Texas Revolution Texas Revolution, a rebellion in late 1835 and early 1836 by residents of Texas, then a part of northern Mexico, against the Mexican government and military. The rebellion led to the establishment of the independent Republic of Texas. The short-lived republic was annexed by the United States as a state in 1845. These events were among the causes of the Mexican War between the United States and Mexico, after which Mexico relinquished all claims to Texas and much of the present-dayRead MoreA Study on the Texas Revolution552 Words   |  2 PagesTexas Revolution In 1835, a small number of settlers in the territory of Texas, rebelled against the newly established government of Mexico. While they claimed that the government in Mexico had unlawfully usurped authority, establishing a tyrannical dictatorship, there were serious economic and social issues that sparked the conflict. But what is most interesting about the Texas Revolution is the relatively small numbers of soldiers involved. The Texians, as the settlers called themselves, numberedRead MoreThe Texas Revolution And The Mexican Cession738 Words   |  3 PagesThe Texas Revolution and The Mexican Cession are both significant events in our Nation’s history because it increased the size of the United States by about 500,000 square miles. It also united two different cultures and people into one unified nation. The causes of the Texas Revolution were that Texas wanted to be able to have slaves as well as representatives in the Mexican government. The Texas Revolution otherwise known as The War of Texas Independence occurred between October 1835 to AprilRead MoreWhy The Texans Were Victorious At San Jacinto1315 Words   |  6 Pages1836 in soon to be a free Texas, the weather was warm with a slight breeze on this day the 21st of April. One army fueled with rage for revenge and the other just searching for their reasons to keep marching on this far against an inferior army. The Texas revolution may have begun with the battle of Gonzales, but through sheer determination and resiliency how a ragtag army were victorious at the battle of San Jacinto. A victory which would shape the history of Mexico, Texas, United States and theRead MoreTexas Battle For Independence And Juan Seguin Essay1013 Words   |  5 PagesTexas’ Battle for Independence and Juan Seguin The battle for Texas’ independence was a hard battle. Many lives were taken, home destroyed, and families were torn apart. Texas residents wanted to break away from Mexico and become a self-governing republic inside of Mexico because they did not like Santa Anna’s laws. Mexico did not allow slave immigration, so Texas wanted to be a part of the United States that allowed slavery. But the main reason was that Mexico would not change or consider any governmentRead MoreThe State Of Texas Gained Its Independence1089 Words   |  5 PagesThe state of Texas gained its independence on December 29, 1845 after six and a half enduring months of ceaseless brawls. The colonization of Texas first began with Stephen F. Austin, whom is also recognized as the Father of Texas. Stephen began the uprising for self-reliance against the Army of Mexico, led by Antonio Là ³pez de Santa Anna, when he proposed opening up Texas to a swamp of immigrants. This action of his branched off through out the years into countless battles for the Lonestar state toRead MoreThe Mexican State Of Coahuila Y Tejas1287 Words   |  6 PagesAmerican settlement in Texas began with the encouragement of first the Spanish, and then Mexican, governments. In the summer of 1820 Moses Austin, a bankrupt 59-year old Missourian, asked Spanish authorities for a large Texas land tract which he would promote and sell to American pioneers. The request by Austin seemed preposterous. His background was that of a Philadelphia dry goods merchant, a Virginia mine operator, a Louisiana judge, and a Missouri banker. But early in 1821, the Spanish government

Friday, December 13, 2019

Cold War Impact on US Foriegn Policy Free Essays

The mentality of the Cold War greatly affected the decisions made by the Presidents that held the office from 1950 to 1974. The main thought that prevailed from the beginning of the Cold War was containment. It was the main goal of the United States to contain the spread of Communism whenever possible. We will write a custom essay sample on Cold War Impact on US Foriegn Policy or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Brinkmanship† was the first major policy that was employed by the United States in the effort to stop the spread of Communism throughout the world. President Eisenhower’s Secretary of State John Foster Dulles coined the term â€Å"Brinkmanship†, which simply stated means using the military to push things to the brink of war without actually going to war. This was often used to intimidate the Soviet Union into backing down during the early part of the Cold War era. President Kennedy would take a slightly more flexible stance in terms of retaliation should an attack occur. However, it wouldn’t be until President Nixon took office that the metaphorical waters between the US and the Soviet Union would begin to calm. Could Cold War Have Been Avoided? iframe class="wp-embedded-content" sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);" src="" data-secret="ZhamWKYYwM" width="500" height="282" title="#8220;Could Cold War Have Been Avoided?#8221; #8212; Free Essays -" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"/iframe In 1957 Secretary of State John Foster Dulles addressed the Associated Press in a speech known as Dynamic Peace. In this speech Secretary Dulles seems to be trying to convince the American public why they must always be prepared to go to war even though it was not what America desired. He also explained how the Soviet Union would not want the free nations of the world to work together to arm themselves and be willing to protect each other from attack. The Soviet rulers understandably prefer that the free nations should be weak and divided, as when the men in the Kremlin stole, one by one, the independence of a dozen nations. So, at each enlargement of the area of collective defense, the Soviet rulers pour out abuse against so-called â€Å"militaristic groupings. † And as the free nations move to strengthen their common defense, the Soviet rulers emit threats. But we can, I think, be confident that such Soviet assaults will not disintegrate the free world. Collective measures are here to stay. . . .† Dulles goes on to talk about how the greatest deterrent of war is the retaliatory ability of other nations. Secretary Dulles then goes on to explain that the United States sought the liberation of the nations under the Soviet Union not to surround Russia with hostile nations but because peace cannot be achieved until all captive nations are set free. President John F. Kennedy would set the tone of his administration’s stance on the Cold War and the Soviet Union during his inaugural address. He asked that the nations of the world to come together to fight â€Å"the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself†. His address gave realistic expectations by saying that his goals might not even be achieved during his generation’s lifetime, but even that possible truth should not discourage the United States or the rest of the world from starting on the road towards peace and freedom for the whole world. In June 1961 President Kennedy met with the Premier of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev. During this meeting many subjects were discussed, but the most important was Berlin. Even though he allowed himself to be bullied, President Kennedy felt he made it clear to Khrushchev that the United States was not willing to compromise on a withdrawal from Berlin. Only a few short months later East German authorities would begin to restrict the movements of people from East Berlin into West Berlin. These actions would prompt the United States to send a note to the Soviet Union protesting these actions and asking that the Soviet Union put a stop to it before things got too far out of hand. The Soviet Union’s reply stated that it supported the actions of the East German Government because they were trying to protect themselves from western spies who were trying to undermine the Government. It goes on to talk about how the United States is well aware of these activities and is just trying to shift blame so that the illegal activities of the West could continue. â€Å"West Berlin has been transformed into a center of subversive activity diversion, and espionage, into a center of political and economic provocations against the G. D. R. , the Soviet Union, and other socialist countries. Former and present West Berlin municipal leaders have cynically called West Berlin an ‘arrow in the living body of the German Democratic Republic,’ a ‘front city,’ a ‘violator of tranquility,’ the ‘cheapest atom bomb put in the center of a socialist state. ’† All of the back and forth between the United States and the Soviet Union would come to a head a little more than a year later with the Cuban Missile Crisis. When the United States government discovered that the Soviet Union was building bases meant to house ballistic missiles President Kennedy had a choice. He could have very easily used the occasion as justification for an attack on the Soviet Union. But instead he made the choice that kept the world from World War III. Instead of attacking the Soviet Union President Kennedy, on October 22, 1962, addressed the nation and the world and announced that there would be a blockade on Cuba. This blockade would only turn away ships carrying weapons and not stop ships carrying the necessities that the people of Cuba would need. â€Å"We are not at this time, however, denying the necessities of life as the Soviets attempted to do in their Berlin blockade of 1948. On October 28, 1962 the confrontation ended with the Soviet Union agreeing to dismantle their offensive weapons in Cuba. As time continued to go by both the United States and the Soviet Union were in positions where a relaxation of the tensions between them was necessary. Soviet leadership felt that the financial costs of the nuclear arms race were unsustainable. The United States was spending millions on the war in Vietnam and trying to extend the welfare state in the country. The Soviet Union was experiencing troubles in their relationships with China, and they worried that these troubles might lead to an American-Chinese alliance. â€Å"All this is, in the first place, a stab in the back for the heroic Vietnamese people in their struggle against the American aggressors, Imperialist circles fully approve of this line of Mao Tse-tung’s group. The Washington Post has said that officials in Washington believe that Mao is serving American interests and they are therefore even thinking of cultivating Maoism as a means of bringing pressure to bear on Moscow. The magazine United States News and World Report has directly stated in this connection that the United States is gambling oil Mao and that American officials tend to prefer a victory for Mao Tse-tung in his struggle to destroy more nioderate elements, because that would mean more trouble for Soviet Russia. † During President Richard Nixon’s administration the first steps towards Detente began. The most important part of this was the SALT I treaty of 1972. The conditions of Detente allowed for mutual cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union. In fact one of the basic principles of relations between the Soviet Union and the United States was that the two nations work together especially in the areas of science and technology. In July of 1975 the United States and the USSR would work together on the Apollo-Soyuz project. Even though the idea of containment was the driving force behind many of the decisions made by US presidents during the Cold War, each President had their own ideas on how best to achieve that containment. For President Eisenhower the best strategy was â€Å"Brinkmanship†, while President Kennedy took a slightly more flexible approach. Had Kennedy followed the lines of â€Å"Brinkmanship† the Cuban Missile Crisis would most likely have been the start of World War III. President Nixon, due to the changing world and economic climate was able to reach at least some neutral ground with the Soviet Union. The relaxation of tensions in the late 1960s and early 1970s helped to bring about the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s. How to cite Cold War Impact on US Foriegn Policy, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Which Techniques Are Most Useful When Learning free essay sample

Li Wenlong Michael Group 2 Which techniques are most useful when learning a foreign language? Although learning a foreign language takes commitment and time, there are a number of different approaches to improve the efficiency of studying which does work well. The effect of learning can be really elevated by using Mnemonics to link word when remembering foreign vocabulary. This method utilizes repetition and memorization methods for learning a new language. The leaner can use pronunciation to link a word in his or her native tongue with a word in a foreign language.For instance the word ‘glove’ sounds like the thing with love in Chinese, and a Chinese speaker would possible link the meaning of the word to glove. Since a glove which is a gift from a girlfriend can be regarded as things with love. A related method is the Town Language Mnemonic. In this technique, learners relate vocabulary in the new language to places in a town the learner knows well. We will write a custom essay sample on Which Techniques Are Most Useful When Learning or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For example, the image coding the foreign word for book could be associated with a book on a shelf in the library.The word for bread could be associated with an image of a loaf in a bakers shop, and words for vegetables could be associated with parts of a display outside a greengrocers. Perhaps there is a farm just outside the town that allows all the animal name associations to be made. Learning with the right tools makes a positive contribution to foreign language studying in grammar, listening, and speaking areas, because the learner can easily benefit from having a good dictionary, audio CDs, grammar books and flashcards. The more time spent on learning the basics of grammar, words and phrasing in dictionary, the easier conversation will become. If learners have audio CDs, they can listen while driving to work or using headphones in situations such as riding public transportation which helps learners utilize as much spare time as they can. Furthermore, Writing down what are learned, is an indispensable technique on language learning. It starts to connect the audio and visual when writing down words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs, which double the efficiency by adding auditory memorization with visual memorization at the same time. In a nutshell, reasonable techniques play an important role in learning a foreign language, but the hardworking is also concerned.