Sunday, December 29, 2019

Student Registration System - 8250 Words

Student Registration System of AMA Computer Learning Center (ACLC) College - Ormoc A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the AMA COMPUTER LEARNING CENTER (ACLC) COLLEGE of ORMOC In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements of the Degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in COMPUTER SCIENCE Submitted By: Albert Christian Celeste S. Capote Jobelle G. Espina Anthony Florence S. Rosal 2011 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in COMPUTER SCIENCE RECOMMENDATION FOR ORAL EXAMINATION In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science study entitled â€Å"Student Registration System of AMA Computer Learning Center (ACLC) College – Ormoc† has been prepared and submitted by Albert Christian, Celeste S. Capote, Jobelle G. Espina,†¦show more content†¦In fact, she was doing all the record keeping just by using ball pen, a receipt, and a little bit of log-in book. On the other hand, the Registrar Department also used manual system as a way of recording and retrieving student information. This was also true with the Accounting Office as it was administering student’s payment manually. With above researchers’ observation, human interventions were highly involved in this type of system. As a result, this may involve errors and redundancy of data resulting troubles in organization. Statement of the Problem The objective of this study was to evaluate the Proposed Relational Database Management System in Enrolment Processing of ACLC College-Ormoc ically seek and investigate the following question: with its design. Specifically, it sought and investigated the following questions: 1. How will the respondents assess the existing Student Registration System in terms of the following pointers? 1.1 speed 1.2 security 2. How will the respondents assess the Proposed Student Registration System of ACLC College - Ormoc in terms of the following pointers: 2.1 speed 2.2 security 3. What are the significant differences between the existing and the proposed system? Hypothesis of the Study There were no significant differences, relationships, effects and interactionsShow MoreRelatedStudent Registration System2180 Words   |  9 Pagesresearch made on online student registration used by different universities. It includes important aspects in online registration like online registration system, online registration course and others. This chapter contains collective ideas and views of different authors. Online Student Registration System An online student registration system streamlines the application, registration, and monitoring of students in a school or training institute. Why Use Online Registration? 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Texas Revolution Essay - 1025 Words

The Texas Revolution By Jessica Bouillon Texas History The Texas Revolution was a key point in our nation’s history and in the history of the state of Texas. For, if Texas had not revolted the way that they did, it would probably not have become a state. There are many causes that are speculated on why Texas revolted whether they are political disputes against the Centralist party in Mexico that had primary control at the time of the Revolution. These and more will be explored. Also, there are key battles in the Texas Revolution that decided the final fate of Texas, none more famous than the famous Battle of San Jacinto and The Alamo. The most popular, speculated cause of the Texas Revolution is that Texas was following in the†¦show more content†¦Still another speculated cause for the revolution in Texas was economics. There were many land speculators that were also U.S. migrants to Texas that were intent on making money from selling land. They had speculators in Texas, and Coahuila and financial centers in New York and Philadelphia. The speculators would speculate how much a piece of land was worth then sell it and turn the profits over to a financial center and make a tremendous profit from it. Yet another reason why Texans might have revolted was that they were trying to preserve and maintain the political values and economic gain while under the Constitution of 1824. It gave Texas a steady population flow of American migrants moving onto Texas soil. It also gave them political liberty, freedom to own slaves and a steady economic progression. But Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, president of Mexico, wished to impose a stricter rule which could also explain why Texas felt the need to separate from Mexico. Another speculated cause was that the Anglo-Americans that lived there refused to conform to the Mexican rules and laws. Most were protestant and therefore refused to convert to Catholicism. They also refused to pay their duties to the government and did not support troopShow MoreRelatedThe Battle Of The Texas Revolution1910 Words   |  8 PagesAmerican History takes us on the special journey back to the Texas Revolution. This battle saw a lot of heroes and also coined one of the most famous sayings in the state of Texas, â€Å"Remember the Alamo†! However, before we can get to all the guts and glory we must first look at the causes that lead to this epic revolution to understand both sides of the coin. I will look at the background, battles, people and results of the Texas Revolution, as well as give my opinion of the Mexican government’s innocenceRead MoreThe Battle Of The Texas Revolution2082 Words   |  9 PagesTexans are full of pride and have been since the term Texan was created. The Texas revolutionary war was a great battle between Mexican Republic and the Texas Colonists. The Texas Revolution was also known as the Texas War of Independence. What will be discussed throughout the research paper are the battles that took place throughout the revolutionary war. The paper will explain how these battles shaped the way Texas Independence was won and how it shaped the future for Texan colonists. The battlesRead MoreThe Texas Revolution : The Fight For Natural Rights2212 Words   |  9 PagesThe Texas Revolution: The Fight for Natural Rights Every event in history contains a cause and effect. Every cause and effect is unique in its own way. Whenever deciphering certain events in history it’s important that those researching, keep an open mind to all intertwining factors. The Texas Revolution is an important and crucial event within the history of the United States and having a full understanding of the Texas Revolution is of extreme importance to understanding Mexican-American relationsRead MoreThe Revolution Of Texas Revolution1550 Words   |  7 PagesEssay on Texas Revolution Texas Revolution, a rebellion in late 1835 and early 1836 by residents of Texas, then a part of northern Mexico, against the Mexican government and military. The rebellion led to the establishment of the independent Republic of Texas. The short-lived republic was annexed by the United States as a state in 1845. These events were among the causes of the Mexican War between the United States and Mexico, after which Mexico relinquished all claims to Texas and much of the present-dayRead MoreA Study on the Texas Revolution552 Words   |  2 PagesTexas Revolution In 1835, a small number of settlers in the territory of Texas, rebelled against the newly established government of Mexico. While they claimed that the government in Mexico had unlawfully usurped authority, establishing a tyrannical dictatorship, there were serious economic and social issues that sparked the conflict. But what is most interesting about the Texas Revolution is the relatively small numbers of soldiers involved. The Texians, as the settlers called themselves, numberedRead MoreThe Texas Revolution And The Mexican Cession738 Words   |  3 PagesThe Texas Revolution and The Mexican Cession are both significant events in our Nation’s history because it increased the size of the United States by about 500,000 square miles. It also united two different cultures and people into one unified nation. The causes of the Texas Revolution were that Texas wanted to be able to have slaves as well as representatives in the Mexican government. The Texas Revolution otherwise known as The War of Texas Independence occurred between October 1835 to AprilRead MoreWhy The Texans Were Victorious At San Jacinto1315 Words   |  6 Pages1836 in soon to be a free Texas, the weather was warm with a slight breeze on this day the 21st of April. One army fueled with rage for revenge and the other just searching for their reasons to keep marching on this far against an inferior army. The Texas revolution may have begun with the battle of Gonzales, but through sheer determination and resiliency how a ragtag army were victorious at the battle of San Jacinto. A victory which would shape the history of Mexico, Texas, United States and theRead MoreTexas Battle For Independence And Juan Seguin Essay1013 Words   |  5 PagesTexas’ Battle for Independence and Juan Seguin The battle for Texas’ independence was a hard battle. Many lives were taken, home destroyed, and families were torn apart. Texas residents wanted to break away from Mexico and become a self-governing republic inside of Mexico because they did not like Santa Anna’s laws. Mexico did not allow slave immigration, so Texas wanted to be a part of the United States that allowed slavery. But the main reason was that Mexico would not change or consider any governmentRead MoreThe State Of Texas Gained Its Independence1089 Words   |  5 PagesThe state of Texas gained its independence on December 29, 1845 after six and a half enduring months of ceaseless brawls. The colonization of Texas first began with Stephen F. Austin, whom is also recognized as the Father of Texas. Stephen began the uprising for self-reliance against the Army of Mexico, led by Antonio Là ³pez de Santa Anna, when he proposed opening up Texas to a swamp of immigrants. This action of his branched off through out the years into countless battles for the Lonestar state toRead MoreThe Mexican State Of Coahuila Y Tejas1287 Words   |  6 PagesAmerican settlement in Texas began with the encouragement of first the Spanish, and then Mexican, governments. In the summer of 1820 Moses Austin, a bankrupt 59-year old Missourian, asked Spanish authorities for a large Texas land tract which he would promote and sell to American pioneers. The request by Austin seemed preposterous. His background was that of a Philadelphia dry goods merchant, a Virginia mine operator, a Louisiana judge, and a Missouri banker. But early in 1821, the Spanish government

Friday, December 13, 2019

Cold War Impact on US Foriegn Policy Free Essays

The mentality of the Cold War greatly affected the decisions made by the Presidents that held the office from 1950 to 1974. The main thought that prevailed from the beginning of the Cold War was containment. It was the main goal of the United States to contain the spread of Communism whenever possible. We will write a custom essay sample on Cold War Impact on US Foriegn Policy or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Brinkmanship† was the first major policy that was employed by the United States in the effort to stop the spread of Communism throughout the world. President Eisenhower’s Secretary of State John Foster Dulles coined the term â€Å"Brinkmanship†, which simply stated means using the military to push things to the brink of war without actually going to war. This was often used to intimidate the Soviet Union into backing down during the early part of the Cold War era. President Kennedy would take a slightly more flexible stance in terms of retaliation should an attack occur. However, it wouldn’t be until President Nixon took office that the metaphorical waters between the US and the Soviet Union would begin to calm. Could Cold War Have Been Avoided? iframe class="wp-embedded-content" sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);" src="" data-secret="ZhamWKYYwM" width="500" height="282" title="#8220;Could Cold War Have Been Avoided?#8221; #8212; Free Essays -" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"/iframe In 1957 Secretary of State John Foster Dulles addressed the Associated Press in a speech known as Dynamic Peace. In this speech Secretary Dulles seems to be trying to convince the American public why they must always be prepared to go to war even though it was not what America desired. He also explained how the Soviet Union would not want the free nations of the world to work together to arm themselves and be willing to protect each other from attack. The Soviet rulers understandably prefer that the free nations should be weak and divided, as when the men in the Kremlin stole, one by one, the independence of a dozen nations. So, at each enlargement of the area of collective defense, the Soviet rulers pour out abuse against so-called â€Å"militaristic groupings. † And as the free nations move to strengthen their common defense, the Soviet rulers emit threats. But we can, I think, be confident that such Soviet assaults will not disintegrate the free world. Collective measures are here to stay. . . .† Dulles goes on to talk about how the greatest deterrent of war is the retaliatory ability of other nations. Secretary Dulles then goes on to explain that the United States sought the liberation of the nations under the Soviet Union not to surround Russia with hostile nations but because peace cannot be achieved until all captive nations are set free. President John F. Kennedy would set the tone of his administration’s stance on the Cold War and the Soviet Union during his inaugural address. He asked that the nations of the world to come together to fight â€Å"the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself†. His address gave realistic expectations by saying that his goals might not even be achieved during his generation’s lifetime, but even that possible truth should not discourage the United States or the rest of the world from starting on the road towards peace and freedom for the whole world. In June 1961 President Kennedy met with the Premier of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev. During this meeting many subjects were discussed, but the most important was Berlin. Even though he allowed himself to be bullied, President Kennedy felt he made it clear to Khrushchev that the United States was not willing to compromise on a withdrawal from Berlin. Only a few short months later East German authorities would begin to restrict the movements of people from East Berlin into West Berlin. These actions would prompt the United States to send a note to the Soviet Union protesting these actions and asking that the Soviet Union put a stop to it before things got too far out of hand. The Soviet Union’s reply stated that it supported the actions of the East German Government because they were trying to protect themselves from western spies who were trying to undermine the Government. It goes on to talk about how the United States is well aware of these activities and is just trying to shift blame so that the illegal activities of the West could continue. â€Å"West Berlin has been transformed into a center of subversive activity diversion, and espionage, into a center of political and economic provocations against the G. D. R. , the Soviet Union, and other socialist countries. Former and present West Berlin municipal leaders have cynically called West Berlin an ‘arrow in the living body of the German Democratic Republic,’ a ‘front city,’ a ‘violator of tranquility,’ the ‘cheapest atom bomb put in the center of a socialist state. ’† All of the back and forth between the United States and the Soviet Union would come to a head a little more than a year later with the Cuban Missile Crisis. When the United States government discovered that the Soviet Union was building bases meant to house ballistic missiles President Kennedy had a choice. He could have very easily used the occasion as justification for an attack on the Soviet Union. But instead he made the choice that kept the world from World War III. Instead of attacking the Soviet Union President Kennedy, on October 22, 1962, addressed the nation and the world and announced that there would be a blockade on Cuba. This blockade would only turn away ships carrying weapons and not stop ships carrying the necessities that the people of Cuba would need. â€Å"We are not at this time, however, denying the necessities of life as the Soviets attempted to do in their Berlin blockade of 1948. On October 28, 1962 the confrontation ended with the Soviet Union agreeing to dismantle their offensive weapons in Cuba. As time continued to go by both the United States and the Soviet Union were in positions where a relaxation of the tensions between them was necessary. Soviet leadership felt that the financial costs of the nuclear arms race were unsustainable. The United States was spending millions on the war in Vietnam and trying to extend the welfare state in the country. The Soviet Union was experiencing troubles in their relationships with China, and they worried that these troubles might lead to an American-Chinese alliance. â€Å"All this is, in the first place, a stab in the back for the heroic Vietnamese people in their struggle against the American aggressors, Imperialist circles fully approve of this line of Mao Tse-tung’s group. The Washington Post has said that officials in Washington believe that Mao is serving American interests and they are therefore even thinking of cultivating Maoism as a means of bringing pressure to bear on Moscow. The magazine United States News and World Report has directly stated in this connection that the United States is gambling oil Mao and that American officials tend to prefer a victory for Mao Tse-tung in his struggle to destroy more nioderate elements, because that would mean more trouble for Soviet Russia. † During President Richard Nixon’s administration the first steps towards Detente began. The most important part of this was the SALT I treaty of 1972. The conditions of Detente allowed for mutual cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union. In fact one of the basic principles of relations between the Soviet Union and the United States was that the two nations work together especially in the areas of science and technology. In July of 1975 the United States and the USSR would work together on the Apollo-Soyuz project. Even though the idea of containment was the driving force behind many of the decisions made by US presidents during the Cold War, each President had their own ideas on how best to achieve that containment. For President Eisenhower the best strategy was â€Å"Brinkmanship†, while President Kennedy took a slightly more flexible approach. Had Kennedy followed the lines of â€Å"Brinkmanship† the Cuban Missile Crisis would most likely have been the start of World War III. President Nixon, due to the changing world and economic climate was able to reach at least some neutral ground with the Soviet Union. The relaxation of tensions in the late 1960s and early 1970s helped to bring about the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s. How to cite Cold War Impact on US Foriegn Policy, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Which Techniques Are Most Useful When Learning free essay sample

Li Wenlong Michael Group 2 Which techniques are most useful when learning a foreign language? Although learning a foreign language takes commitment and time, there are a number of different approaches to improve the efficiency of studying which does work well. The effect of learning can be really elevated by using Mnemonics to link word when remembering foreign vocabulary. This method utilizes repetition and memorization methods for learning a new language. The leaner can use pronunciation to link a word in his or her native tongue with a word in a foreign language.For instance the word ‘glove’ sounds like the thing with love in Chinese, and a Chinese speaker would possible link the meaning of the word to glove. Since a glove which is a gift from a girlfriend can be regarded as things with love. A related method is the Town Language Mnemonic. In this technique, learners relate vocabulary in the new language to places in a town the learner knows well. We will write a custom essay sample on Which Techniques Are Most Useful When Learning or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For example, the image coding the foreign word for book could be associated with a book on a shelf in the library.The word for bread could be associated with an image of a loaf in a bakers shop, and words for vegetables could be associated with parts of a display outside a greengrocers. Perhaps there is a farm just outside the town that allows all the animal name associations to be made. Learning with the right tools makes a positive contribution to foreign language studying in grammar, listening, and speaking areas, because the learner can easily benefit from having a good dictionary, audio CDs, grammar books and flashcards. The more time spent on learning the basics of grammar, words and phrasing in dictionary, the easier conversation will become. If learners have audio CDs, they can listen while driving to work or using headphones in situations such as riding public transportation which helps learners utilize as much spare time as they can. Furthermore, Writing down what are learned, is an indispensable technique on language learning. It starts to connect the audio and visual when writing down words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs, which double the efficiency by adding auditory memorization with visual memorization at the same time. In a nutshell, reasonable techniques play an important role in learning a foreign language, but the hardworking is also concerned.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Issue on Public Administration; Social Equity

Introduction Social equity is one of the critical issues in the contemporary public administration practices. The level of development in every country is determined by the level of equity in all aspects in the society. The higher the economic gap among the people the lower is the country in terms of development.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Issue on Public Administration; Social Equity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the other hand, the smaller the gap among the people the higher is the level of development. Therefore, the issue of equity has a significant implication in public administration. In order to realize equity, the public administrators play a significant role in ensuring that all this has been realized. This is more so in the current situation where the gap between the poor and the rich is increasing with time. Most of the resources are ending up on the hands of few rich while the majority rem ains extremely poor. In the contemporary world, the public administrators have a significant contribution in promoting a fairer, equitable, and more just system. This is despite of the many issues they have to settle. However, the issue of social equity still remains a problem. According to Pickett (2011), people are becoming less equal in terms of economic, social, and political aspects of life. There are large differences in the society. There is therefore need to have a clear analysis in order to understand and be able to come up with appropriate recommendations. Application of the Social Equity In the present-day world, social equity is viewed as one of the primary purposes of the public administration. This entails the efficiency in organisation as well as the management of public services. It involves equitable distribution in management of public services. In order to promote equity in the country, it is always necessary to practice fairness in its management and while delive ring its services (Inter-American Development Bank 2000). It is always important to observe closely any potential inequities of the social equity (Inter-American Development Bank, 2000). In order to be able to make correct inferences, it is always necessary to look beyond the differences in individual inclination. Equity is characterized by the condition where the administrators are not indifferent to the stated conditions. In order to be able to realize equity in every economy, economic and social inequalities need to be rearranged in such a way that they provide the greatest advantage to the least advantaged in the society (Svara and Johnson, 2011). In order to achieve this, it is always advisable to prepare policy proposals in an effort to suppress both social and economic difficulties in the society. The social administrators are also expected to deal with the issue of discrimination in an effort to further reduce these gaps. Kinds of InequalitiesAdvertising Looking for rep ort on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More One of the main types of inequalities is simple equity. The individual equality is composed of one class of equals, where one relationship of equality exists among them (Inter-American Development Bank, 2000). There are several cases where this kind of equality can be realized. A good example of this can be the principle of one man one vote. This is where every person has equal rights and none is above the other. Contributions from each person are considered. This mechanism maintains the equality among the people. The other form of equity is segmented equality. This kind of equality can clearly be seen especially where there is high level of labor division. For instance, the farmers are taxed in a different way from the business people. Similarly, wage earners are taxed differently in a certain way depending on the income levels. In order to promote equity among the peop le, all persons from the same category must be taxed equally. This promotes equity among the people. However, this is based on the assumption that all the people are in the same category. For instance, all the farmers are assumed to be equal. On the other hand, segmented equality suffers from the fact that there is inequality that exists between different segments. It is however necessary to come up with measures to reduce these differences. For instance, the higher income segment can be taxed higher than the lower income segment. Again, this will help in minimizing the difference between various groups. This segmentation is of great importance to the policy makers because most of the public services are provided through these segments. The other type of equality is the block equality. This is the type of equality that calls for parity between different groups (Inter-American Development Bank, 2000). However, the use of racism to define the blocks threatens the level of equity in th e society. This is because it tends to bring about discrimination. In an effort to deal with the problems of inequality in the economy, the public administrators are usually faced by several challenges. This is because the exercise always has the losers and the winners. For instance, the individuals with more resources in the society will lose while those who don’t have will gain. However, the losers in this case are more advantaged. Nonetheless, it is always necessary to take into consideration the protection test. In order to facilitate equity across the country, it is always advisable to ensure that there is fairness, equitable, and just management in all the institutions serving the government in one way or another. All services provided in these institutions must be providing in a way that promotes equity. The policy implementation must also be directed in such a way that it promotes justice, fairness, and equity in all aspects in the society.Advertising We will wri te a custom report sample on Issue on Public Administration; Social Equity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Social Equity in Government Service Another ground where there are critical issues on social equity is on the government services. Government services play a pivotal role in promoting equity among the people. This is because they have a significant implication on the well being of individuals. Past studies have identified a number of cases where the government services have been unequally distributed. These include the municipal services like paved streets, gutters among others. Such services may be distributed in a discriminatory manner such that they don’t reflect the social equity. For instance, these services were directed towards the white section while the blacks were left behind in poor conditions. A good example of such discrimination was seen at Shaw. At this region, only the white section enjoyed good municipal services like paved streets (Frederickson, 2005). The other section occupied by the black never enjoyed equal services. This discrimination violated the 14th Amendment, which promised equal protection of the law. However, the court rejected this claim arguing that this form of distribution is municipal administration’s business and that it can be resolved at the ballot box (Frederickson, 2005). Through this kind of discrimination, inequalities are increased in the society. This problem was however resolved after which there was more equity in government services. Another issue of inequity in the provision of the government services can be seen in the education sector. In US, desegregation of public schools following Brown V. Board of Education has resulted in varied and creative ways to define and achieve equality† (Frederickson, 2005). One of the ways that has been applied in an effort to achieve equity in education is busing. Through busing, students are able to acces s schools far away from their residential areas. This has significantly helped in bringing about social block equity in the society. Equity in education has also been promoted through funding. For instance, the states have used the equalization formula where more funds are geared towards funding of education in the poor districts. This equalization procedure played a major role in bridging the gap between the poor and the rich districts.Advertising Looking for report on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Over the past decade, questions have been raised on whether the existing separate but equal schooling system reflected inequality or whether it was unconstitutional. This raised major concerns on whether state departments for education can manage to eliminate the existing segregation. The school system was separated based on races. The Court of Appeal in the United States made a significant effort in elimination of the racial based school systems. For instance, it ruled that the school officials had an affirmative role to bring about an integrated school system under the 14th amendment (Svara and Johnson, 2011). Such integration was aimed at bringing about equity by elimination of the system of having Negro schools on one hand and the white schools on the other. In order to eliminate this dual schooling system, it required the authorities to facilitate integration of facilities, activities, and the students. This will help in elimination of the previous dual system. One of the main factors that intensified racial segregation in schools was segregation of residential areas in the United States. This resulted in segregation in schools as a result of segregated neighborhoods. Despite of these efforts, that were put to bring about equity among the people, there still remain some signs of inequality. This can be demonstrated through various aspects in the prevailing systems. For instance, the suburban schools districts around Kansas are dominated by white students (Svara and Johnson, 2011). On the other hand, most of the all-Black schools are still dominated by black teachers and students. This means that there are still some aspects of inequity remaining in the community. These minor aspects have significantly led to differences among the people in the society and must be rectified. There was a number of competing views that threatened the efforts of realizing equity in the society. One of the main areas where people varied was on the definition of the term equity . It is important to note that everybody’s vote is equal to the other in this case. In addition, principle of democracy is that the majority vote wins. This point raised a critical issue because it is difficult for the majority to vote away minority’s constitutional rights to equal schooling (Svara and Johnson, 2011). This threatens the efforts geared towards the achievement of equality in schools. Employment and Social Equity The field of employment is one of the main areas through which the government can have a significant influence on the level of wealth. Consequently, it has a significant role in promoting social equity. This can be both nonpublic and public. The main issue here is the identification of those who should be employed as well as the criteria on which the selection process will be based. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended and the Equal Employment Act of 1972 were designed to guarantee equal access to public and private employment (Frederickson, 2 005). In Other words, this act played a significant role in promoting equality in employment. It provided equal opportunities to every person qualified for a particular position despite of their differences in other aspects. For instance, both children from the poor and rich families were given equal chances provided they had the required qualifications. This has significantly helped in reducing the gap between the rich and the poor. It is also advisable for the concerned parties to adhere to the laws in order to promote fair measurement of the talent, ability, and skills in order to determine who gets the job (Frederickson, 2005). Employers are also discouraged by the law from engaging in discriminatory practices while recruiting employees. For instance, favoring candidates because they are either white or black violates this law. In ensuring equity in employment, the affirmative laws have played a pivotal role where the court has the major responsibility of interpreting them. For instance, it has ensured equity in employment for minorities, non-minorities as well as both the gender. However, it is predicted that the values of social equity may fall in the process of shifting towards a new balance in terms of employment which is more inclined towards efficiency level. Several efforts have been applied in an effort to ensure that there is equity among the people, both minorities and non minorities. One of this can be seen through contracting. Back in the year 1977, in the Public Works Employment Act, the government proposed that 10 percent of all the public works must be reserved for the firms that were owned by the minorities in the United States. This was fully settled by 1980 and was being applied by them. Again, this promoted equity among the people. It protected the minorities from bias that may deny them opportunities. Before then, contracts were mostly awarded to the non-minorities. As a result, only the firms that were owned by the non-minorities were progressing while these owned by the minorities continued to fall. As a result, the gap between the minorities and the non-minorities continued to increase. The implementation of this act played a significant role in solving the problem of racial discrimination, which was prevailing by then. â€Å"Today, by upholding this race-conscious remedy, the Court accords Congress the authority to undertake the task of moving our society toward a state of meaningful equality of opportunity, not an abstract version of equality in which the effects of past discrimination would be forever into our social fabric† (Frederickson, 2005). Although this effort led to suppression of racial discrimination, it was opposed on the ground that it denied individuals the equal protection of the law. The difference in the views was as a result of differences in the issue of what is to be equal. Different people have come up with differing approach, the fact which has led to disagreement on this proposal . Some argued that this Act just ensure block equity while it rarely emphasized on individual equity. The opposing groups here based their argument on whether block equity is better than individual equity. Later, the 10 percent set aside by the provisions of the Federal Public Works Employment act in 1977 was interested to 30 percent by the U.S Supreme Court for the minority construction firms on contracts in the city of Richmond (Frederickson, 2005). This move was received negatively by being regarded as impediment for the affirmative action programs of other states and municipalities. This was seen to be denying the whites an equal protection law. Although the proposed arrangement brought equity in the society, it was argued that the law used inequality in the means of achieving this (Svara and Johnson, 2011). The Role of Public Administrators in Promoting Equity The public administrators play a pivotal role in promoting equity in the society. By shaping the work of governance in their respective positions, the public administrators are able to promote equity in public administration. By practicing good judgment in their services, the public administrators abide with the raw that promotes equality in the society. The public administrators also have the duty to partner with the elected leaders in ensuring that there is equity in every service provided (Svara and Johnson, 2011). The public administrators also interact with various individuals including the citizens and giving the elected officials advice and contributing by giving the recommendations on policy. Promoting Equality in Distribution and Access of the Available Services Another way through which the public administrators can promote equity in the country is through distribution and access. That is, to ensure that all services and benefits are equally available to every person in the community. As already noted, the distribution of the resources must be in such a way that the poor get more than the rich. Such allocation will help in bridging the gap between the rich and the poor in the society. It is also necessary to ensure that the distribution and access of the existing programs and policies closely goes with the intended purpose (Vitez 2011). For instance, in case there is a certain service to be provided to everyone, then this service should be equally available to all the people. In other words, every qualified individual in the society must have equal rights to access a certain service. For example, there should be no favor, discrimination or any other kind of bias that may significantly affect the ability of a certain fraction of the group from accessing the services. In some cases, there are some requirements that determine the eligibility for a certain service. In such case, it is always advisable to measure that every eligible person is able to access the service. The legal procedures should be applied to include those who are in between the two extremes. For instan ce, in case there is a certain allowance given to those people living below a certain income level, it is advisable to consider those at the boundary. While formulating the new policies and guidelines, it is advisable to ensure that only those policies that promote equality and compensatory redistribution are passed (Vitez, 2011). Any cases of previous discrimination must also be rectified to ensure that similar mistakes do not take place in the future. This will however be determined by the nature of the problem being addressed. Any possible barriers that may prevent the people with fewer resources from accessing an essential service must be eliminated. Such barriers include access fees to certain services. Such barriers tend to open the door for those with higher resources while blocking access for those with fewer resources. In case there must be access fee, this should only be in less important services and should be proportionate. While formulating the redistribution policies, it is necessary for the public administrators to consider the rule of law. The policies must also be directed in such a way that they promote maximum utilization of the available resources. Promoting Equity in the Process of Providing Services The public administrators also have a responsibility of promoting quality services to all the people. The process of providing services must be designed in such a way that it promotes equality in terms of quality in distribution of services. For instance, certain groups should not be given better services than the others. Discriminatory allocation will only contribute to increasing the gap among the people in the society. The administration of the services must reflect acceptable standards. This should be reflected in all groups in the community. The intended outcome in this case is to realize equal level of outcome among different people in terms of economic and social conditions (Svara and James, 2004). It also seeks to eliminate the differe nces between the less disadvantaged and richer individuals in the society. The public administrators must also consider the importance of individual’s behaviors on the outcomes and how they may impact or pose constraints on certain areas. This can clearly be demonstrated through the case of education. Poverty levels can significantly affect the level of performance in students. Students from the poor families are more likely to perform poorly than those from families with more resources. It is the role of the public administrators to carry out the appropriate investigations to determine the causes of various disparities among the people. This will help them in coming up with appropriate measures in order to overcome these differences. It is necessary for the public admionistrators to recognize the acceptable level of inequality and the degree to which it should intervene to rectify such inequalities (Vitez, 2011). The policy making process is one of the most important aspects that have a significant role in permuting equity in any country. Every person or group of persons must be given an opportunity to give their views concerning the most appropriate public policies and the service delivery. There must be appropriate efforts to involve all the citizens in policy formulation and also providing the feedback appropriately in order to promote equity in provision of social services. Recommendations Procedural Fairness Procedural fairness is one of the most important aspects of operations through which the public administrators can promote equity in the society. In order to achieve this, there must be due process. This ensures that every person is given an opportunity to access fairness and justice in all aspects. It ensures that every person is given an opportunity to be heard and notified about the proceedings in any issue touching them. Procedural fairness also implies that all the people are exposed to equal human rights in spite of the differences in th eir personal characteristics. In case any deviations from these arrangements arise, then correction measures must be taken instantly. It is also important to not that the world is dynamic in the social, economic, and political aspects. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the new and existing practices are re-examined to ensure that there is no any group that is denied procedural fairness. Similarly, management as well as the service delivery must also be examined to ensure that every group of persons can easily access procedural fairness in the society. In case there is any behaviour detected to cause any form of unfairness, it is always advisable to take appropriate corrective measures to prevent any adverse impact in the society. Progressive Taxation Progressive taxation is another way through which social equity can be promoted. Through taxation, the public policy makers can significantly affect the distribution of resources. Progressive taxation is a kind of taxation where the public administrators impose tax proportionally. The government imposes relatively higher tax rate on the wealthy individuals in the society. The more the income one has the more tax they are supposed to pay to the government. This form of taxation plays a role of reducing the tax burden for the less disadvantaged people in the community. This taxation can significantly help in bridging the poor and the rich in the community. Since the progressive tax increases as the level increases, it has a significant role in promoting equality in the society. It leaves the highest burden to the high income class in the community. Therefore, this kind of taxation can be of great significance in promoting equality in the society. Through progressive taxation, income is shifted from the rich to the poor. This reduces the gap between the two groups hence promoting equality among the people. Progressive taxation protects the poor group in the society from tax burdens. In relation to this, it is proposed that the wealthier people should pay more for the services provided by the government. This will promote equity in the society by shifting income from the rich to the poor. From this discussion, it is clear that social equity is of great importance to the society. However, recent statistics indicates that the gap among the people is enlarging with time. It is therefore necessary to come up with the necessary measures that can promote equality in the society. There are several ways through which the public administrators can increase the level of equality in the community. In order to realize equity effectively in the community, there is need to teach the issues of equity and diversity management to the public administrators. Despite the adverse effects impacted by inequality on the society, very few people are aware of the increasing level of inequity among the people in the society. There is need to have campaigns on the adverse impacts that inequality can have on the soci ety. People must be able to access statistics demonstrating how intensified the gap among the people has prevailed in the society. Such kind of sensitization is of great importance in promoting understanding of the inequality issues in the society. The political parties must also be committed at formulation of the policies that can have a significant impact of reducing inequality among the people. This ensures that there are minimal differences among the rich and the poor in the society. Significance of Promoting Social Equity In many countries of the world, the issue of the social equality is highly upheld by many stakeholders. However, achieving this has been one of the major challenges in many nations. The idea that all men were created equally has contributed in reduction of the differences between the rich and the poor (Gutierrez, 2003). In order to understand the importance of the social equality, it is always necessary to have a connection between the living standards and the well being in a particular society. Social equity promotes the standards of living and the well being in the society. As already noted, social equity promotes the wealth in a country. When the level of health and development in a certain country is high, then the average level of the living standards of the citizens increases significantly. Consequently, this leads to the improvement in life expectancy levels. The people are also generally happy because the level of disparities is high. However, it is important that the level of happiness will increase up to a particular point. After a certain level of average income, there will be no marginal increase in well being or happiness as a result of an increase in the level of income (Rosenbloom and Carroll, 1990). This is because the importance of the material things on the well being reduces as the level of income increases. At this point, the main factor necessary is the psychological influences that affect the level of happiness. Pre vious studies have indicated that there are a number of social evils associated with inequality (Blas and Kurup, 2010). For instance, there is a higher rate of imprisonment and more violence in the countries where there is high level of inequalities. As noted previously, inequalities lead to an increase in differences between the people in society. This increases the level of poverty among the people because the resources will be ending on the hands of marginal people in the society while the majorities are left in poverty. When the level of poverty in the society is high, the rate of crime tends to be high (Gooden and Meyers, 2004). Past research has also revealed that the rate of teenage births is high in the countries where there are high levels of inequality (Accius, 2008). Similarly, this is as a result of poverty. Most poor parents are unable to educate their children and therefore they are forced to drop out of school at a very young age. Consequently, they are forced to get married at a very early age. Due to poverty, teenagers may engage themselves in sexual activities as a way of earning a living. This may also lead to high rates of teenager birth. Social equity also promotes the social mobility. This implies that it is easier for the poor to move out of poverty in a country where there is equity. On the other hand, there is no social mobility in economies where there is no equity in distribution of resources. The level of well being is relatively higher in the countries where there is a high level of equity. This is because the living standards are higher and every family is able to access at least the basic goods. Therefore, there is low likelihood of starvation or malnutrition. Psychological problems are also minimal since people do not suffer from extreme poverty. Consequently, there is high life expectancy. Child mortality is also minimal in countries where there is a higher level of equity. By promoting equality in the country, the administrato rs are able to deal with the increasing differences between the ideal and reality of equality. This helps in reducing the gap between the rich and the poor. It is necessary to consider equity in all aspects of the society’s operations. It is also important to ensure that equity is practiced in all activities in which the members of the society are engaged in. For instance, there is need to have equity in the treatment of all the people from different races. In connection to this, the top management is required to ensure equity at all levels. Conclusion From the above discussion, it is evident that the public administrators have a significant role to play in promoting equality in the society. They have the responsibility of formulation of the policies that leads to reduction of the gap between those with more resources and those with fewer resources. This is because inequity has an impact of increasing disparities in the society. Equity can be maximized by reducing discriminat ion in provision of the public services and facilities as well as the employment opportunities. References List Accius, J. (2008). Toward a Demographic Divide? Equity, race, and Social Security. U.S.A.: ProQuest. Blas, E. and Kurup, A. (2010). Equity, Social Determinants and Public Health Programmes. World Health Organization. Frederickson, G. (2005), The state of social equity in American public administration. National Civic Review, Vol. 94, pp. 31–38. Gooden, S., and Meyers, S. (2004). Social Equity in Public Affairs Education. Journal of Public Affairs Education 10: 91-97. Gutierrez, R. (2003). Social Equity and the Funding of Community Policing. New York: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC. Inter-American Development Bank. (2000). Social Protection for Equity and Growth. New York: IDB. Pickett, K. (2011). The Benefits of Equality. Web. Rosenbloom, D., and Carroll, J. (1990). Toward Constitutional Competence: A Casebook for Public Administrators. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Svara, J., and James, B. (2004). Filling in the Skeletal Pillar: Addressing Social Equity in Introductory Courses in Public Administration. Journal of Public Affairs Education 10: 99-109. Svara, J., and Johnson, N. (2011). Justice for All: Promoting Social Equity in Public Administration. New York: M.E. Sharpe. Vitez, O. (2011). What Is a Progressive Tax System? Web. This report on Issue on Public Administration; Social Equity was written and submitted by user Kenley Acevedo to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Getting Chills from Pacific Heights essays

Getting Chills from Pacific Heights essays Getting Chills From Pacific Heights Thrills Suspense films dish out edge-of-your-seat anxiety with nail biting anticipation to the audience by making them feel as though they were part of the experience instead of a mere spectator. Pacific Heights, directed by John Schlesinger, may have been more dramatic than suspenseful but it definitely delivered enough of both to keep the audience intrigued and thirsting for more. Men make all decisions, are never wrong, and can remain rational in any situation while women are submissive, wear skirts and cater to their husbands every whim, but not in Pacific Heights. Melanie Griffith plays Patty, Drakes girlfriend, and from the beginning is shown to be the dominant of the two, making a role reversal of the sexes imminent. Patty literally wears the pants in the relationship and shows it in every way. She takes care of any jam the couple gets into and never loses her cool in their times of crisis, even when she comes face to face with their tenant from hell, Carter Hayes. Patty is the definite heroin of the film by not only slaying the demon Hayes, but by also using her head and screwing him over and regaining Drakes identity and money. Carter Hayes is by far the best villain ever. Hes manipulative, conniving, cunning, and so good at it. He lies to everyone, but somehow no one realizes it and he goes on his scheming way. Add to this, Carter, played by Michael Keaton, yes Beetlejuice himself, with his devilish smile and narrow eyes to produce the best villainous face since Jack Nicholson in The Shining. If the role reversal between Drake and Patty or the constant turbulence with Carters residency werent enough to keep the audi...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Marketing - Term Paper Example Regression coefficient suggests that the positive and significant increase in the performance of personalized advertisements (ads) after the opening of the improved user privacy controls. In the correlation technique, there is no statistical significance difference between two paired related estimated points (variables). In relation to the context, after improving the level of privacy in face-book, there was a relationship between the fans and the number of clicks. These techniques were appropriately used in the research since they try to estimate the number of face-book users when and after privacy measures have been improved. We get to realize that after the improvement of privacy measures of face-book, the number of clicks increased since majority gained the trust of the firm (Tucker 556). However, these improved privacy measures were put in practice after heavy critics from the users. The best technique was regression. Regression tries to care for the most important ranks of the enthusiasts. Regression technique analysis investigates the relationship between variables. The technique is used when many variables need to be covered in order to predict the finding of the causal effect of one variable on another. It provided easy time to predict the number of face-book users globally. The use of regression technique requires careful investigation to determine the nature of the relationship. The key components of the project are all about the face-book changes in privacy interface. The first component is all about the privacy setting that can aggregate to one simple control. Additionally, the second component is that face-book doesn’t require user’s friends and connection to become visible to every individual. Finally, face-book makes it easier for the users to decide on the single click from the third person applications to access their personal information. The study provides evidence for

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Art of Watching Films Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Art of Watching Films - Essay Example But this is not as simple as it apparently looks like. Time and again in the history of cinema, the chemistry of success has eluded the most talented of filmmakers and producers. It’s been seen an umpteen number of times that films that had promised sensational performances fell flat on their faces upon release. On the other hand, many films that had initially been panned by critics managed to generate remarkable following later on. Despite this ambiguous analogy with no particular frame of reference to success, cinema is widely acknowledged to be a potent aesthetic medium, much in the same league of painting, music, literature, and drama. In defense of cinema as a visual medium of singularity, Boggs and Petrie (1999) argue that films are different from literature or other art forms in that they capture the essence of good, old-fashioned private reading just as much as the tokens of mass culture. In a way, motion pictures are compendiums of all the aesthetic and technical details associated with other independent art forms. It compounds within a single unit narrative of the novel, interplay between the audio and the visuals of the drama, synchronization of music, and textures of painting. The final outcome of such a blending is quite unique to say the least. This is because motion pictures allow for a freedom of watching as well as interpreting. There is always a mobility of expression and sense of displacement involved with films, which are conveyed through the deployment of light, sound and dialogs (p. 2). Moreover, the use of space can be regulated at will by using rapid camera movements. This also allows for alterations in perspectives for the viewers (Manchel, 1990, p. 98).  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 29

Business Law - Essay Example t as a separate legal entity, no legal requirements govern its formation, and owners have unlimited liability and equal decision making rights, unless specified (Miller 2012, p. 496). Limited partnership requires submission of certificate of limited partnership, acquisition of a charter for business operations, and a general partner and a limited partner while a limited liability partnership requires submission of a qualification for limited liability status (City Law School 2008, p. 31, 32). These identify such advantages as shared losses and pooled resources, and disadvantages such as long decision-making process, shared profits, unlimited liability, termination against a partner’s wish, and financial risk due to limited capital base (Mann and Roberts 2013, p. 678, 679). Agreement among owners, issuance of a charter, and submission of legal documents subject to Companies’ Act 2006 (Appendix 1) form a limited liability company (City Law School 2008, p. 23). It is a separate entity, as the case of Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd illustrates (McLaughlin 2015, p. 82). Limited liability and veil of corporation are some of the legal consequences of incorporation (Appendix 2) and transferable share capital and debentures are sources of capital. It therefore enjoys such advantages as wider capital base, expertise management, sustainability, transparency availability of accounts for inspections, and limited liability, but disadvantages such as slow decision managing and possible lost authority over the business. The doctrine of corporate veil governs operations of a limited liability company. It provides that liabilities are limited to the entity and shareholders and corporate members are lot liable for any right or duty of the entity, unless factors to piercing of the veil exist, subject to the case of Woolfson v Strathclyde Regional Council [1978] SC (HL) 90 (Dignam and Hicks 2011, p. 116). A private limited company can however not sell its shares to the public for

Friday, November 15, 2019

Organization Culture In Multinational Companies Management Essay

Organization Culture In Multinational Companies Management Essay Multinational companies are facing more challenges when they try to develop a cohesive organizational culture than domestic companies. In this study, several cases experienced from real life examples will be presented. They will be discussed with theoretical framework which allows reader to understand each situation through comparative analysis. The theory of Cultural Management, Cross Cultural Communication Negotiation, Leadership, Motivating people is selected for cross referencing in accordance to the topic of the study. The study focus on two main parts; Part 1: Describe the challenges faced by MNCs on developing a global management, moving forward to identify the key challenges; Part 2: Focus on managing people across borders and cultures implementing Cultural Management concepts and theories (Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions 1980), leadership Motivating theories. The intention of this part is to give a critically discussion on real business situations while being aware of the application of these selected theories. The findings of useful methods for global leaders developing organizational culture will be explained in the conclusion. I will give my personal reflections on how the application of these theories will benefit leaders working in the similar situations in the international business. Part 1 Challenges on developing a global management Organizations are always facing challenges when they are doing business globally. These challenges include the assessment of the environment, managing social responsibility and ethics, communication negotiation across cultures, etc. In the following paragraphs, I will give journal articles related to a real life example that has faced several critical challenges when developing a global management. On 5th March 2012, China Labour bulletin reported a string of press release that there are a total of 27 logged reports of strike and protest from workers across China with the majority group of workers from the industrial/manufacturing and transport sector. The strikes and protests are mainly concerned on low wages, reduction of annual bonus, unreasonable employee layoff, management takeovers and relocations. A related such case is workers at Putzmeister Machinery in Shanghai stages a strike over the unsatisfactory compensation package being offered after the company takeover by SANY Group. Putzmeister Machinery being one of the largest German Manufacturer of concrete pumps has been acquired by Sany Group (one of the largest manufacturer of heavy machinery in China). Workers who are benefitting from the existing European management system and packages cannot accept the sudden implementation changes adapted from the Chinese company. It is believed that SANY has amended the package not in favour to the workers. After acquisition took place, employees who are not from SANY Group are affected by several changed factors both internal and external of the SANYs company policy. The culture which forms the organizational environment requires managers improve their cross-border learning capabilities. Managers from parent-country nationals or host-country nationals cannot ignore local employees needs. Successful leader manager advocate to earn peoples loyalty and trust by learning their different cultures, they also try to help employees to understand what their future and opportunities may have in place. Besides, exercising effective Change Management is necessary for leaders to understand the culture changes. This is because culture does not simply mean understanding who talks with whom, about what, and how the communication proceeds, it means how people encode messages, the meanings they have for messages, and the conditions and circumstances under which various messages may or may not be sent, noticed or interpreted. (Samovar and Porter, 1997) In this regards, the needs to understand the cultural variables are also necessary for Managers of SANY Group to enquire the skill to avoid miscommunication. According to the study from Cameron and Green (2004), the role of a leader in acquisitions is providing situations to the individuals in organization as follows  [1]  : 1. Ensure that the team knows that a change will happen and things will not be the same way they used to. 2. Ensure that the people understand the things that will change, what will stay the same and when will all this happen. 3. Encourage people try to do things in a new way and provide the right environment. Part 2 Managing and motivating people across cultures People from the same culture usually share a common general understanding of right and wrong, acceptable behavior and inappropriate behavior. In multinational companies, staffs are from a variety of national cultures, they have variety cultural backgrounds, this requires managers who are operating in global interdependent market operating in a series of hugely diverse landscapes (Tom Keen, Jim: Leadership Landscapes, palgrave, 2007). Serious misunderstandings may happen when managers cannot understand staffs real needs, values and self-actualization. Managing and motivating people across culture are not only a challenge to large companies but also something applicable to small-scale companies while multinational people are collected together. A reference of a real life example of China Wealth Middle East Machinery which is doing heavy machinery leasing business located in Dubai. China Wealth Machinery Co Ltd is a subsidiary of SANY Group which was founded in 1999. The main core of business is leasing heavy equipment to civil and building contractors. Based in Hong Kong, China Wealth set up a subsidiary branch in Dubai on 2008, which is China Wealth Middle East Machinery (L.L.C) . In China Wealth Middle East Machinery, there are workers from four different countries, China, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan. These workers are employed in various operating position like operators, maintenance engineers, foreman and P.R.O. The company has faced challenge in managing, motivating people from different culture. In a general perspective, there is a similar culture with very few differences among the employees from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan. However, the difference can be substantial when they are compared with the Chinese culture. Hofstedes study gives comparison between Chinese and Bangladeshi cultures, the results are illustrated as follows, Key PDI: Power Distance IDV: Individualism vs. Collectivism MAS: Masculinity vs. Femininity UAI: Uncertainty Avoidance LTO: Long term orientation LOT LTO: Long term/Short term orientation Figure Comparing China and Bangladesh The chart in Figure 1 shows the comparison of PDI, IDV, MAS, UAI between Chinese and Bangladeshi culture. There is significant similarity between the two cultures in PDI, IDV and MAS where PDI and IDV are exactly the same. In contrast, the great differences between the two cultures come at UAI and LTO. There is distinctive evidence in the relationship among Chinese and Bangladeshi. They have both displayed high power distance in their workplace. Chinese have given more respect for the elderly; it is believed their behavior assembled from the Chinese Confucianism when taught in the younger days during their upbringing. Whereas, even the junior will to embrace with outstanding achievement, they are not able to gain the same respect as the elders. In China Wealth company, all the Bangladeshi operators are younger than the Chinese operators, therefore, they will only take the role as helpers at the beginning even the Bangladeshi has accumulated enough or already have experience. In addition, the Chinese will always command a longer term orientation and a better salary package which is almost double when they are both put on the same position. It can be seen as unfair but is widely accepted in the company. Furthermore, Bangladeshi workers show their high uncertainty avoidance which can be explained that they do not mind the status and acceptance of lower responsibility in exchange for a secured salary. They are easily contented people who do not desire a long term orientation. They can generally accept Salary which is sufficient to cover the basis expenses and support the family back home. On the contrary, Chinese workers need high salary and seek for long term orientation which allow them to spend freely and opportunity for promotion in future. They are risk taker and are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur, they can also take challenges at work. Thus, managers who work as multicultural role on motivation and management blend in different ways. They must consider the entire national and cultural context on a situation-by-situation basis, settle reward system not only rely on money but also search for their interest and satisfaction, means of keeping occupied, status and prestige. It is difficult to judge which type of workers behavior in China Wealth company is right or wrong. Managers should make different job motivation between Bangladeshi workers and Chinese workers according to their different cultures. Part 3 Conclusions In globalization competitive environment, leaders can be expatriates. They need to have multiple competencies to deal with challenges like cross border transaction. I think it is important for them to create new culture initiatives by allowing employees to extent their thinking and actions. Creativity can be one of the useful methods when dealing with multiple challenges. Creativity means doing things from a different way, leaders must learn different culture from people outside the system. Leaders should consider the cultural differences when creating a new culture for the merger or acquisition.( Kuada, 2008), they can enable reward systems, planning and performance management, motivating systems working together to support the objective and preferred behaviour. The leaders job comprises cultural adaptability, leadership experience and technical knowledge, level of authority and autonomy etc. No single leadership style works well in all situations.( Helen Deresky, 2012) Global leaders should broaden their horizons strategically and cross-culturally. Besides, leaders should also try to develop a flexible model what can adapt to local situations then apply around the world.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Aspects Of Performance :: essays research papers

ASPECTS OF PERFORMANCE In the following report I will focus on two factors of performance, they are  PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS ON PERFORMANCE Nerves / stress, including manifestations Relationships between members Communication with audience Audience response  THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SUCCESSFUL GROUP Choice of members Program selection Rehearsal strategies Setting up Venue / audience Final performance Each of these aspects effects performers and to deal with all these things will ensure a successful group who do their jobs well and love doing it.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚    DESCRIPTION OF OUR BAND I am a part of an eight, member band, who at one time or another have been playing together for five years. The first three years I performed with four of the eight members in a class and an all girls band, this year I have reunited with them again and four other members as a new group. Our band consists of three lead vocalists. Our ranges are all fairly large and quite different, giving good variety in voices for a range of different styles of music. Our ranges are Db3 - Gb5 (break at C5), Gb3 - C6 (break at Bb4) and E3 - B5 (break at Gb4). We have one lead guitarist, two rhythm guitarists, (one who is in year 11 and the other is our music teacher), a bass player, and a drummer, (who is also in year 11). We are a covers group and like to experiment with all types of styles, pop, rock, disco, alternative / grunge, reggae, soul, jazz, RNB, blues and some international pieces from various countries like Greek, Spanish, Latin American and French. We rehears five times a week, three peri ods of class time and two lunch times. As a group we believe that practice makes perfect. We expect each member to rehears solo parts at home and to have private tuition for extra help. We all love to perform and do it as often as possible, our gigs range from school fetes, festivals, concerts and speech nights to an interstate tour to different schools every year. ASPECT 1  PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS ON PERFORMANCE Every performer, no matter how long they’ve been in the business will be effected by psychological setbacks. These effects can cause major upsets to the level of a performer’s performance, so something must be done to control these feelings. All performers have different techniques to cope with these symptoms, and in this next section I will provide some of these.  NERVES STRESS BEFORE AND DURING PERFORMANCE